Inspection Services​
Inspection Services​
- Pre-purchase home inspections
- Commercial Inspections
- Strata and apartment inspections
- Component inspections
Building Condition Inspections
D class estimate inspections
Building Code verification inspections
Contractor verification inspections
Maintenance list inspections
Deficiency inspections
Building consulting
First Nations inspections

Gold Seal Property Inspection Service
Gold Seal Property Inspection Service
You are hiring a provincially licensed, certified and accredited inspector in residential and commercial inspections. Licensed with Consumer Protection BC and registered under the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia (ASTTBC) provincial act and a holder of a senior inspectors designation. ASTTBC-PI is committed to the highest quality of education through British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) and the ongoing training provided by ASTTBC. Gold Seal Property Inspection Service follows the highest standard of inspection service and endeavors to exceed those standards with the best practices philosophy.
I take great pride in being an independent service provider, working for the client in a strict confidential undertaking to provide unbiased detail information, so that the client can make a well round informed decision.
My history goes back 34 years in Kamloops in the building industry as a licensed carpenter, an owner/partner of various construction companies and as an inspector, building consultant and radon specialist.
My policy is to provide a service that is trustworthy, complete with details, at a reasonable price and to ensure client satisfaction.

What to look for when hiring a Home Inspector
What to look for when hiring a Home Inspector
Provincial License (ask for the number) Consumer Protection BC
Association – ASTTBC-PI
Qualifications (trades ticket, construction experience, time)
Education – BCIT (academic accredited), BOABC (building code)
Designation CPI, CHI, RHI (how long inspecting)
References (work done)
Insurance – Liability and O&E (has there ever been an action)
What do you inspect and what do you not inspect
What type of report
What type of Inspection standards
Do you allow clients to attend the inspection
What is the cost
Gold Seal Property Inspection
Gold Seal Property Inspection
How the Report system works
- Site Condition & Drainage
- Roofing
- Exterior
- Structure
- Electrical
- Heating & Cooling
- Plumbing
- Insulation/Ventilation
- Interior
- Health and Safety
- Class D - Costing (as per report type)
- E-Report (paper report by request)
- Presentation (by request)

Rudy Suppanz, CTech, CPI, DRM, CRT
Rudy Suppanz, CTech, CPI, DRM, CRT
- ASTTBC - Certified Tech, building science engineer
- AHERA - Asbestos certified inspector
- ASTTBC - Certified Property Inspector
- MBL - Mold & Bacteria qualified inspector
- BOABC - Associate 2 building inspector
- IICRC - Water restoration technician
- BCIT - Dpl Real Estate Mgmt
- ISO - Infrared thermography qualified inspector
- C-NRPP - Certified Radon measurement/ mitigator
CARST - Certified Radon Technologist
- BCIT polytechnic - building envelope qualified inspector
- ITA – Interprovincial Red Seal Carpenter
- CHBA - Built green BC builder certified
- CPBC - Home Inspector License # 71936
FNNBOA - First nations building inspector
- Certification in Indigenous Awareness
ISC - Registered Building Inspector